A monthly subscription box and play-based curriculum covering early literacy, math, science, and art learning for children ages 2 to 7. Week by week, your child will explore the month’s theme through a variety of sensory activities and hands-on projects vetted by current Playwell children and families at our neighborhood studio in Westerly, RI.

Each box includes:

All materials including a sensory kit, felt story and book, and maker project

One month’s worth of themed activities and guides

Freedom to start or cancel your subscription anytime


This Month’s Theme: Winter & Hibernation

Let’s explore the wonders of winter, from cold to cozy and everything in between. Get curious about different animals’ hibernating habits, enjoy a beloved cold-weather classic by Jan Brett, get your hands into some sensory snow fun, and more.

What’s in the Box:

Curricular Guide:

To walk caregiver and teacher through each of these invitations to explore winter, with suggested high-order thinking questions to support your little learners.


The Mitten by Jan Brett.

Felt Story:

  • 8 woodland animals

  • 1 large mitten

  • 1 child

Maker Project:

Learn about winter weather, hibernation, and early math by building mini shelters for various animals. 

  • dowels

  • cardboard rolls

  • wooden blocks

  • brown playdough

Celebration &
Special Events

Fun ideas for a season kickoff or end-of month winter celebration.

Daily Rhythm Guide

To support you as you integrate this learning into your family life, offering suggested schedules.

Extension Guide:

To support you in extending and deepening the learning all month long, with numerous related projects.

Sensory Kit:

Explore winter weather and hibernation through sensory play. Discover which animals hibernate and why, how they keep warm, and where they find food.

  • cotton “snow”

  • magic snow (polymer powder, just add water for fluffy “snow”)

  • 8 woodland animals

  • 8 felt mittens 

Art, Music & Outdoor Learning Guides:

invitations to make winter-inspired art with materials found at home

  • winter song list

  • colder weather observation diary

Materials List:

A practical guide to setting up an inspiring space for your 2 to 7 year old to learn through play. Downloadable file includes links to suggested products.

What to Know

Start your subscription whenever you’re ready. 

Subscriptions renew automatically each month. 

Free shipping in contiguous US and Canada.

Cancel anytime.

Monthly: $75/month (+ shipping for international)

Save with a Batched Subscription:

$200/3-month subscription
($66/box / $27 savings)

$350/6-month subscription
($58/box / $102 savings)

$600/one-year subscription
($50/box / $300 savings)

All pricing in USD.

Playwell at Home makes a
wonderful gift for little learners!

  • Explore Winter with us as we begin the year with The Mitten by Jan Brett, a classic silly story about warmth and hibernation. Children will love telling and re-telling the story with our felt story pieces. The learning continues as children dive into a snow- and winter animal- themed sensory kit. Through sensory play, children make sense of the science of winter. The literacy learning continues with our sensory kits as children explore which animals hibernate, where they find food, and how they keep warm. The exploration of winter, hibernation, and warmth continues with our maker project: shelter building! Children of all ages explore various ways of creating miniature shelters, practicing early math skills. Our practical guides will walk you, caregiver and teacher, through each of these invitations to explore winter, including an additional invitation to make winter-inspired art with materials in your home classroom, sing winter-y songs and get outside (of course). Our Daily Rhythm guide supports you as you integrate this learning into your family life. And our celebrations guide provides fun ideas for an end-of-month winter celebration. Our learning extension guide will support you in extending and deepening the learning all month long.

From Our Founder:

I developed Playwell at Home to support families committed to a homeschool rhythm, or those looking to supplement their child’s education with project-based learning outside of school. Our curriculum has grown from a career of over 10 years working as a play-based learning champion. Inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach, Maria Montessori, and the Constructivists, I've developed an emergent curriculum in harmony with a simple family rhythm. The Playwell at Home subscription allows me to share my work with families beyond proximity to our Rhode Island studio and to anyone looking to: reduce screen time, support independent play and learning, connect with their child through meaningful daily experiences, or spark more joy and conversation at home. I hope you (and your crew) enjoy!

– Martina

Our Curriculum




Math + Engineering

The Classroom

Parent as the Teacher


Fun +


Family Rhythm

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